Profile PVI Stations & Elevations

No - this is the forum for all things Dynamo. Part of the problem is your timing - you asked on a Friday when many are out due to holidays, and as a result we have less time to spare on forum topics.

This is compounded by the lack of relevant files which prevents many community members like myself can’t currently help (not that I have much time to do so lately) due to the lack of sample files (DWG and DYN to start with). With out those the ask is to make something like what your base condition is via the UI or API or Dynamo, followed by actually getting to the code - basically doubling or tripling the level of effort required. That said even with files the community members who could solve this for you might not have time to do so, and as such it’s best to put a bit of work in on your own.

Towards that end searching the forum can get you started pretty quickly - I found this thread that I think gives you a path forward when searching “PVI update”: Profile PVI Update/Remove - #12 by hosneyalaa

After you make a few tries with methods like that update this thread with your progress including files and any code samples you write as there could be a quick fixes which skilled community members find to resolve the issue for you.

If that still doesn’t work you could try asking in a Civil 3D API forum for the API method to edit the elevation of a PVI - if such doesn’t exist then unfortunately Dynamo won’t be able to help you as it’s limited by the API.

Best of luck

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