Problem with Rhythm package 2018.3.2

I plan on pushing an update that changes Rhythm’s namespace for nodes that overlap with OOTB nodes. This means that node to code would work as expected and they work together well.


The downside is, since I changed the namespace I need to include a migrations file in the release. This should migrate any unresolved nodes, but there is a chance i could have missed some.


The joys of zero touch eh? Thanks for moving on this so quickly @john_pierson.

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Rhythm version 2018.9.19 should resolve these issues.
I just made my categories the plural version of the word. So category became categories, etc.


Thanks Jhon

it works

mine temporarily solution was to uninstall your package
copied the .dyf files (which where not causing a problem ) off your package in mine own package
and for one or two (zero touch) nodes when i needed those i just installed your package again.

i have a lot of graphs where i use code blocks and didn’t wanted to change all my graphs.

Works great! Thanks for the quick update

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