Problem with packages not updating? Monocle for example

So it’s been a while since i needed to update a package, or at least noticed there were updates available. I am trying to update Monocle by @john_pierson and I am not 100% sure where to update it nowadays. I have tried to update via the Package details window but nothing happens. What is the latest way to update packages now?

Nothing happens when i click “+Install”.

It never fails. The second I post… for those of you who may be running into this in the future, make sure you look on all of your monitors when in a multiple monitor setup for the dialog asking you if you want to download the update =)

It was hiding on one of my monitors behind some random windows. Thanks for the help @john_pierson. and you probably haven’t even seen this post yet =)


Glad you got it sorted!

I saw the post (notification on watch) but was driving home from a weekend road trip. :grin: :racing_car: :dash:


Is this the official package update process that I described above or is there a better way?

There is not a “Manage Packages” option that I can see anymore…

The update process for my packages (Rhythm and Monocle) is to just press the big install and it will auto-resolve the correct version for you.

Also, the process for managing packages definitely has changed. It is now like this:

Go to:

then you can go to installed packages:

Ah. I am still on Revit 2023 and so that menu is not the same. =)

BTW, 2023 is not my preference… slow IT lol

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Oh yeah, it has changed like 5 times in the last few years. The package manager experience in Dynamo is still trying to decide what it wants to be when it grows up.

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I hear ya.

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