Problem when arraying elements in a radial configuration along a curved path

Hi everyone,
I wrote a script that places elements in a radial configuration along a path. It works if the path is a linear segment, but has some issues in dealing with curved ones. In fact with my script I’m only able to evaluate the normal in the points of a singular curve.
In the image below is showed the output.

I thought to evaluate the normal in each point in each section, but i don’t know if it’ll work and how to write the script that way.

Thak you in advance,

We can’t help you if you don’t show us your graph and what you’re actually getting. Make sure your screenshot includes the full graph (use Export Workspace) and the node preview bubbles are pinned.

Hi Nick, yes you’re right

You go from 185 points (Curve.PointAtParameter) to 7 vectors (Surface.NormalAtPoint). You need to make sure that surface is distributed to each sublist of points. You can either do this by flattening the list of points or by using list levels. Try that and see where you get.

Someone had a similar problem here which got solved:

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@marcello.carta check my recent post attached above.
Let me know if it works for you.

Atharva Purohit

Hi Atharva, it worked. Thank you

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Great to know.
Do mark as solutions so that it can help others!


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