Primer Section 7.2 Node to Code Question

  1. I have attached a graph created with Dynamo/Revit 2025.
  2. In the Primer section 7.2 Node to Code example, the graph results in a configuration with many more cubes.
  3. Prior to the Node to Code operation my graph seems to be almost identical to the example graph.
  4. When the node to code operation is executed the resulting code is a little different.

Question: How can I change my graph so that my geometry matches the example geometry, and the code inside of the code block matches? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

If you’re looking at the light grey nodes in the primer but have dark grey ones, that is your first problem - the application has changed a LOT since the light grey nodes version of the primer was last updated. Try the primer here instead:

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hi, you forgot the replicates in your block code
to create the matrix in x y and z

on your node Point.ByCoordinates
click on 3dots product crossed

edit 2:


Thanks so much, that was the exact problem.

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