PlagIn for Revit written in Python

who understands the topic explain to me whether it is possible to write plugins in Python


or only C# can do it

C only I believe as you need a dll For Revit to load it to the ribbon.

C# only ?
Yes, my first dll is ready
and next
first question - how get builtInCategory (OST_…) from the list of elements

probably (im not shure) all cats we can get that:

foreach (var j in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BuiltInCategory)))

and later for current elements get OST

I think someone wrote in C# and im waiting for prompts :ear:

Hate to be a stickler but… This is a Revit API question not a Dynamo question. Consider checking the API documentation, specifically the my first plugin, and the API forums. Or alternatively, just stick to the flexibility and authoring speed provided by Dynamo.

@jacob.small yes you right
but im dont now special forum for my question or another forums with so good activity

Revit API Forum - Autodesk Community should work for the forum.

Autodesk | 3D Design, Engineering & Construction Software Should work for the tutorial.


second links its already used for me )

just yesterday I decided to find out what is C# :slightly_smiling_face:
and special thanks for first link ! i thinks its will helpful for me

I have a beginner’s guide to Revit API in C# Youtube channel. It’s a good place to get your feet wet.

Best DB