Place Line Based Family Onto Face

Can anyone has the idea how place line based family onto particular face that I selected with Select Model Element and after took Face of Surface, I know there is a method Create.NewFamilyInstance(Face, Line, FamilySymbol), but when I tried to put Face as a parameter I just encountered error obejct that NewFamilyInstance expected XYZ object not Face

Post a screenshot of your graph in action (make sure all node preview bubbles are pinned so we can see your dataset) and include the specific error(s) you’re getting.

Is your family hosted? You say it’s line-based but mention nothing about being face-based except that you’re using a method with a face. If you want the family on the face of an element then you just need the line to be on the face. There’s no need to reference the face for anything else, except maybe orientation.

Yes, basically it’s that line based component has a piece of geometry (nested family) changed with angle and when i placed that family in project I can switch to place by face and just creating that instance on that face, change orientation as well depends on angle that I provided or by work-plane and I already have part when I can place that family on work-plane but I wonder how I can place that family on particular face in that case just the face of another instance of the same family type. So basically I believe the description of that constructor is right for my case. I probably understand why I received the error, Do I need to provide line created on that face? initially I selected just random line in horizontal plane