Place Different Family Using CAD Block Location

I have a list of families in Revit And with the same name, I have CAD Blocks I want to place Multiple Families on CAD Blocks Origin Point using Dynamo
I have created a list and unique list of block name Node Familytype by Family Name & Type Name isn’t accepting the values.

Hi @jazzsharma200

here is how to insert family in revit based on cad block location and name
here i use
CadBlockTo family.dyn (23.4 KB)
Drawing1.dwg (940.5 KB)
test1.rfa (432 KB)

I have Multiple families.


The CAD Block seems to work fine. I can see the location points on your picture.
However the FamilyType.ByName node doesn’t find the FamilyTypes. This is where the issue lies. Verify the correspondence between the cad block names and your family types.


script is placing them but not on their respective origin point.

The graph is placing the family instances where the origin points of the CAD blocks are.
So you need to check the origins of AutoCad blocks and check the origins of Revit families so that the 2 origins match.

What information did you put in the code block? The cad block name and then the family name? Well, it’s not working for me.

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Sorry to revive the post, however your question was the closest thing to helping me. Because I’ve analyzed and tried innumerable ways informed in the forum.
I tried using the same solution to create the following script; import cad link blocks and convert it into a revit family with the same name.
How did you do it?
What could I be doing wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance

I get from the codblock itsname and the location uses these data to insert the revit family. can you give me the error did you have @cintiamiranda21