Are there Dynamo nodes available to prepare a pipe network to be exported to a shp file with the needed information for analysis. Our SW group exports pipe networks to line/point shapefile format when we need to export for H&H modeling. Up to this point, we have been exporting pipe networks to SDF file format then to shapefile but it still doesn’t include a lot of the data associated with the pipes and structures (e.g. pipes in SDF format don’t have correct inverts as it utilizes the pipe springline elevation, and structures don’t have inverts just rim). I have experimented with may of the nodes from Camber, Civil 3D Tools, etc… and cannot seem to get the information… Pipe Name, Start, End inverts, Start, and End structure names, etc…, even if I found a node to show the correct information in a WATCH node, I am not sure how I would then go about creating line work from the points with the information “embedded”.
Autodesk’s export pipe network to shp file (Export pipe network to SHP file from Civil 3D | Civil 3D | Autodesk Knowledge Network) directions have you first exporting to an sdf file. If the Dynamo script replaced (or created new linework) the pipes and structures with lines and points that had the needed information as object data or in a property set, it would dramatically simplify the process.
I would like to complete the task of making the shp files entirely from within Civil 3D. The FGDB export is not always importable and editable in Civil 3D. It seems to only import if you have InfraWorks installed.
We export to an SDF.
Since the SDF reports the Center of the pipe as the Inverts new invert fields need to be added.
We connect to SDF using the Planning and Analysis workspace in Civil 3D and create Invertin2 [Invertin2 = Invertin - (inside diameter /2)] and invertout2 fields. Invertout2 uses same calculation as the in… [Invertout - (inside diameter /2)]
Export layer(s) data to sdf files Pipes.sdf, & Structures.sdf
MAPImport the Pipes.sdf and do not import the bad invert fields.
MapExport the sdf files to shp files.
DWG, attached. Upload does not take a zip file so not sure how to upload the shp file group. PipeNetwork_testing.dwg (1.9 MB)
Like this… thanks to @zachri.jensen for the elaborate PipeNetwork part of the Camber package!! Amazing how almost everything is covered. Only PartSizeName I couldn’t find so I went for a python node on that field.
Reminder: You have to install the pip installer and fiona and shapely for the shapewriter to work. PipeNetworkToSHP.dyn (125.3 KB)