Packages: Dynamo's Strongest point but also Achilles heel?

Well, this is what @Ian_Keough1 had to say about packages. Clearly then, you should probably jump into the mix - maybe even publish your own package - or you can stand still while the rest of the Dynamo user-base passes you by doing awesome things only packages enable.

Look at Kangaroo for Grasshopper, or: Archi-lab, SpringNodes, Clockwork, Rhythm etc for Dynamo, the list is growing, and its these packages that are opening up the API (which is huge, and which the Dynamo team wouldn’t be able to expose without the support of the open source community) for those without programming skills who are then able to do things which would otherwise elude them:

Here’s what I think should happen with regards to packages [= 3rd party apps FYI]. There should be more stuff moved out of of our core distribution and distributed as packages, including our Excel functionality. The problem is that packages have been treated for some time as second class citizens. Packages should be the primary mechanism by which we deliver new functionality for Dynamo…packages are a much better organized and modular way to deliver software than us bloating the Dynamo install with a zillion dlls in the core folder. And they allow you to deliver documentation, examples files, and other assets in an organized way.

Sure, there’s a lot of crap that gets published, but the number of downloads is a good shortcut to establish which packages are most useful (and also well maintained).