Organize a list of point based on a certain value of Z

Hi guys. I am struggling with a super basic thing. I would like to create a sub-list of point based on the same value of Z. In particular, given a list of point, I want to create a sub-list containing all the point which have, as value of Z, the elevation of the last level of the model. Is it possible ?
Edit: I know that I can organize it in sub-lists of points having the same Z values but I am looking for a specific given Z value. Also a little python script could be nice :grinning:


Can you provide a screenshot of what you have attempted thus far? Even if it’s only pieces.

Are you looking for something liek this @MariaLauraLeonardi ? This is taking in a fully shuffled list of points that are the Door Locations - then pulling a chosen Z-value :slight_smile:

mask = pnt.Z == value ? true : false;
filter = List.FilterByBoolMask(pnt, mask);
red = Color.ByARGB(255,250,84,71);
blue = Color.ByARGB(255,91,193,217);
discardedPoints = GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor(filter["out"],red);
chosenPoints = GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor(filter["in"],blue);
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Hi! Thanks a lot, but I have still some trouble because it somehow select all the point :frowning:

Do you know why this could happens?

Hi, I was trying this method but it s not working properly (it gives me back all the values)

Also I was wondering if using a Python script could be somehow better, but I have no idea how to do it

I think that my problem has something to do with the tolerance of the points

Could you pop out a few of the preview outputs? I’m not in a good position to replicate your graph to check. It will also be a good way to check if your tolerance makes sense.

I am curious about the ListContains True node… is the Vertex.PointGeometry a @L2 list? If so, you should be able to mask using just the == output. Using ListContains after would just return a single true or false statement, which isn’t very useful as a mask.