Thank you to both of you. I managed to get it working now. I did it with python and thanks to the node from Alban i found what was wrong in my python script.
So thank you both again for all the help.
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Dear @marc_franken, where can i find the node below in your script:
I’m trying to get your script working but i got an error at this node.
Please let me know.
That node is an custom node. This is in it.
The python script has the next tekst.
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
#The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
#dataEnteringNode = IN
string0 =IN[0]
string1 = IN[1]
scheidingsteken = IN[2]
samenvoeging = []
i = 0
if not isinstance(string0, list):
string0 = [string0]
if not isinstance(string1, list):
string1 = [string1]
for str0 in string0:
x = string0[i] + scheidingsteken + string1[i]
samenvoeging.append (x)
i = i+1
#Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = samenvoeging
Also in this file:
pythoncode.txt (566 Bytes)
Dear Marc,
Is it possible that you send me your script that was working.
I have managed to create the custom node put nothing seems to happen. I don’t get any error in my script.
See pictures below:
I also change some custom UCL nodes for other nodes.
Please let me know if you need more info and if you are able to help me
Can you tell me what part is working en what part is not working?
I don’t know for sure where it’s going wrong.
I see that i don’t have any errors in the script but i think the problem is within the path and modelname part of the script but there is no error and there is a value in the node.
The only think that seems to be wrong for me is the \ /. My path name is o:\ and in the value there is o:/
i can send you the script that i have for now if thats helps
Can you post your script? So i can look if i can find what is going wrong.
Here is the script that i have so far.
IFC-export.dyn (89.1 KB)
Best Regards,
I tried to look to your script but i connot open it. What version is it(dynamo 2.0). My machine whith that version is down and repaired by the ict. But when i watched to the jpics up het that yuou post is saw that some nodes were frozen.
What is your knowledge of dynamo? is this your first script or not?
It’s in dynamo 2.0 see picture below:
and it’s not my first script but i’m a beginner with dynamo.
So my knowledge is low.
allright, because it is in dynamo 2.0 i cannot open it until i got my laptop back. So i wil try to help you anyway.
Can you post an screen shot of your code in pdf an your excel sheet? Then i will look at that.
the screenshot of your code after running and with all lists under the nodes open.
Here is the script in pdf and my excel file.
Script IFC export.pdf (1.0 MB)
IFC_export tbv BIMprotocol.xlsx (19.3 KB)
Please let me know if you need more info
Olaf ,
In your last green group is the node that must make the export frozen. Unfreeze this and run again. Please
Dear Marc,
That was the reason that i didn’t got an error.
Now i have one in the pyrthon script, see pcitures below:.
It is something at line 39 of the python but i don’t know how to solve it.
It has something to do with the NODE ULC Backgroundopen.
This is also a custom node and the value is null,
Can you tell me why
Can you help?
The problem is that the custom node cannot be read on your pc. You have to replace it with an version that works. The package where i found it is no longer active( i think) It was the package “DanEdu” . So far i know is this package nolonger active in Dynamo 2.0 . So you should look for an package with an node for background opening.
I hope this was helpfull for you.
I’m going to search for a right package to open it in the background. If i find one i will post it here so people know which package i’m using for it.
I have found the package. Its name is “Orchid”
OK i will try this.
I also find a node in Rhythm that should work but i didn’t try it yet