OOTB for Point.MidPoint

Hello all,
I am new to Dynamo and sadly restricted per job requirements to Revit2019 and Dynamo 2.0.4. I am trying to have a dyn that will remove duplicate ducts (they are not triggering the warning for duplicate items). I found a few examples that might work but they use Point.Midpoint node that isn’t available in my version. Looking for an out-of-box, or version-compatible, replacement for it.

One possible workaround I saw here:Delete duplicated objects - #43 by sdzbrian but I don’t know how to incorporate it as a stand-in.

Looking at the unresolved node, the first port would be the startPoint input of the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint node. The second port would be the endpoint of the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint node. The line output would wire into the Curve.PointAtParameter node and the result of that is the same as the output of the Point.MidPoint node.

PS: No reason to not be in 2019 by now. You’re missing about one and a half YEARS of security updates at this point, which is putting every company working on the project at risk. About a month ago a common component had a vulnerability patch required, and while it might not have been in 2020 or 2019, it also might not have been patched due as the version is no longer supported. You’re only certain to be secure if you’re in a supported build. For a list of advisories see here: Security Advisories | Autodesk Trust Center

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Hi there doesnt exist an OOTB for midpoint, but you could probably find many in custom package there could work on that even for 2019. but be in 2019 and dynamo could give some trouble as things had change a lot from there…but could you show an image with the graph where you want it incorporate

This is a dyn from Check Element Duplicate Dynamo Revit | Hồ Văn Chương. hoping I can just change the categories to Ducts instead of Pipes-Hydralic Separation Symbols.

arha what the python do ? think thats one for @chuongmep as i can read that language…

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So just replace Point.MidPoint with Line.ByStartPointEndPoint and Curve.PointAtParameter nodes? I assume I would still need the code block for 0.5 to still be there?

Yes, we are making it work as best we can but those concerns, as well as others, have been voiced; powers that be, however, elected to keep with 2019 for some reason.

Dang it. As I saw you had suggested the OOTB option in the last post, I hoped it had worked out and I could get insight on in.

Here is the Python code.

yes try insert that instead of the midpoint node and think it could work

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I recommend adding a ‘unsupported version’ tax on proposals going forward. Reasoning: to mitigate the risk of your entire network getting ransomed. Soon as you do that the powers that be start to allow things to change quick.

Yes, and including the code block of 0.5 or a number node with the same.

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Not a bad idea @jacob.small
Hazzah! That works, thank you!