How do I remove trailing zeros when converting Doubles to string?
Second question: where is the documentation fo the node: “Element.ToString”?
Thank you!
How do I remove trailing zeros when converting Doubles to string?
Second question: where is the documentation fo the node: “Element.ToString”?
Thank you!
The trailing zeros are specifically because you’re converting from a double. Instead, convert to an integer first (Math.Floor
is an easy option) and then convert to a string.
As for node documentation, right-click the node then Help. Or you can look up nodes on Dynamo Dictionary.
Dynamo Dictionary - Element.ToString
Great, thank you.
However, how do I go from 10.5000 to “10.5”?
Also, the Dynamo dictionary has no details on the nature of the data to feed that node.
Thank you.
String.Replace “0”
with a “ ”
, then use a a String.TrimTrailingWhitespace, then replace the “ ”
with a “0”
The dictionary hasn’t been updated since about Dynamo 2.4 - maybe older. Documentation can be found in the product now instead - place the node, highlight it, and hit F1 (might pull up the Revit help too) or right click and select ‘help’.
This has been a discussion on the forums for at least the last decade… anyhow - there’s a node for that; Spring Nodes Number.ToString
Also fairly trivial to accomplish with python