First off, thanks for you help in advance and I’m on Dynamo 2.0.2
I’ve been trying to figure out a method to convert a number to feet and fractional inches while maintaining a format like the following: 12’ - 0" or 12’ - 3" (I don’t currently need fractional inches but it’d be nice to have). I’ve tried using springs.Feet2Fraction (image attached) which works but I can’t figure out how to adjust the node to supply a 0" if the number is an even foot. Is it possible to adjust Springs to accomplish what I’m looking to do or am I stuck with the formatting? Also, if not possible with the spring node, is there a process I can use to achieve this? I did do some digging on this and see the same question in multiple forums but no resolution that I’ve been able to get to work.
That worked perfect for what I needed. Thanks much Konrad!