Nests one family and associate parameters

Hello Everyone,

So I’m doing a routine that basically nests one family in the other and associate their parameters:
:x: = I haven’t been able to solve it yet and would appreciate any help

  1. From a/based on a project, open all families that category = furniture :white_check_mark:

  2. Check if the family has the shared parameter “VZ_CODIGO CLIENTE” :white_check_mark:

  3. Add the parameters to the families that don’t have it yet :white_check_mark:

  4. Load family (always the same family) inside host families (all the ones I already have open) :white_check_mark:

  5. Place the nested families in the center of the host families :x:
    I’m looking for something like FamilyInstance.ByPoint but that works to nest families in other familes… Any Ideas?

  6. Relate the “VZ_CODIGO CLIENTE” parameter of the host families (funiture) to the “VZ_CODIGO CLIENTE” parameter of the nested family :x:

    I’m not sure if Parameter.Associate allows to relate parameters between families… I found several samples from @erfajo that guided me in several things so far, but the sample I found for that node used it to relate to extrusion, and not a nested family

  7. Load the host (furniture) families again in the Template :white_check_mark:

Thank you

Inserir Familhas e associar Parametros- R01.dyn (106.7 KB)

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