Naming counter when using AxonometricView.ByEye


I’ve made a script that adds views to 3D views, and it functions as expected but in one aspect;
the names are either random generated, or I end up getting way more views than needed (depending on the view name variable)

I’ve tried using

  1. static string
    with static string, I get 5 views as specified, but the names are random

  2. list
    if I use a list; I get 4 extra views for each view I make.

in both cases, rest of the script is unchanged.
can someone please explain what I’m doing wrong.

@5thSth Please post your dyn and rvt files (or a link)

ty for looking into it. I’ve added my test XLS file as well.
revit file is default file with the house (just select any element).

@5thSth You need 15 names to match the number of points. Set lacing to shortest

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thank you for a quick reply. Lacing does the trick

I’ve also added:


in code block to generate names dynamically depending on xls size. ty.

@5thSth Please mark the post as solved