im trying to apply a function n-times to a variabel. In the screenshot I build it up with nodes, but just four times. The goal is to loop this function as often as I want to, and have a list with every single (n-times) output. I already tried with the loop-while node, but couldn´t reach it. After some research, appearently it´s only possible to solve this by Design Script, with a loop funcition, is this correct?
I´m already learning the Design Script, I would appreciate some help!
Thanks for the welcome and the solution, you helped me a lot! I transformed it a little and defined the block to use it within my script. Line 7 in your script (z=0) is not necessary, right?
i think you can also use scan and reduce for this. i’ll update with a snippet when i get to a different computer. They’re interesting concepts that i haven’t been able to implement well beyond arithmetic examples, but they seem like useful/important ones to understand.