Moving Span family in vertical direction

Hi all,
I am very new in using dynamo, i want to move the family that i built in vertical direction,i was successful in moving it but i want to know if there is a way i can show the span moving vertically in dynamo player via number slider like as i increase the slider it moves up and looks like an animation,or as i run the script the span moves into specific z value gradually,i tried with number slider as well but in dynamo player it says there are no input values,any help would be really appreciated.
I have attached my script as well


Dynamo player doesn’t work this way unfortunately. You set up the parameters, click :arrow_forward: Run and dynamo will run the graph, you cannot see it just like with normal dynamo in Automatic mode…

You can create slider inputs in dynamo: select the node, rightclick-> Is Input, this works with any input nodes, even with sliders:


Save the file, and a slider input should show up in player.