Monospaced text in textbox/form

Hi, I’m trying to make a dynamo-script showing a info-table in revit as a “popo-up” text-box. I have used the following code, which work, but as the font is not monospaced, it looks terrible. I would like to change the font to a monospace font, but I don’t know how.

import clr

from System.Drawing import Point
from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Button, Form, Label, TextBox

IO_liste= IN[0]

max_letters = [None]*len(IO_liste)

IO_liste_string = ""

for j in range(len(IO_liste)) :
	max_letters[j] = len(max(IO_liste[j], key=len))+2
transposed_table = zip(*IO_liste)

for i in range(len(IO_liste[0])) :
	for j in range(len(IO_liste)) :
		f = '{0:<%s}' % (str(max_letters[j]))
		IO_liste_string += f.format((IO_liste[j][i]))
   	IO_liste_string += "\n"
class SimpleTextBoxForm(Form):
    def __init__(self):
        self.Text = "Simple TextBox Example"

        self.Width = 1000
        self.Height = 800

        self.label = Label()
        self.label.Text = IO_liste_string
        self.label.Location = Point(25, 25)
        self.label.Height = 500
        self.label.Width = 800

        self.textbox = TextBox()
        self.textbox.Text = "The Default Text"
        self.textbox.Location = Point(25, 75)
        self.textbox.Width = 150

        self.button1 = Button()
        self.button1.Text = 'Press Me'
        self.button1.Location = Point(25, 125)
        self.button1.Click += self.update

        self.button2 = Button()
        self.button2.Text = 'Reset'
        self.button2.Location = Point(125, 125)
        self.button2.Click += self.reset

        self.AcceptButton = self.button1
        self.CancelButton = self.button2


    def update(self, sender, event):
        self.label.Text = self.textbox.Text

    def reset(self, sender, event):
        self.label.Text = "Nothing So Far"
        self.textbox.Text = "The Default Text"

form = SimpleTextBoxForm()

screenshot of output of above:

And yes, I am aware that there is some problems regarding layout on the form, and placement of the buttons etc. Thats not the problem:slight_smile:

There might be something in there that could be helpful:

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Thanks alot Yna_Db! This is even better than I hoped for! Will try to implement the table in your example, as it looks much better than my original plan on using only monospaced font!