Hi All,
A colleague of mine has imported 3D shapes (Brep as known by Dynamo) and I wish to modify the material on the surface. However, I have no luck in doing so. Hoping someone can help me with this.
ps revit’s paint option is out of the box as there are many elements in different locations.
`import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FilteredElementCollector, ElementWorksetFilter, Options, Solid, OverrideGraphicSettings
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
Input: Workset ID and Material ID
workset_id = IN[0]
material_id = IN[1]
Get the current document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
Create a filter for the workset
workset_filter = ElementWorksetFilter(workset_id)
Collect all elements in the workset
elements_in_workset = FilteredElementCollector(doc).WherePasses(workset_filter).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
def GetFaces(direct_shape):
“”“Get all faces from a DirectShape element.”“”
faces =
geometry = direct_shape.get_Geometry(Options())
if geometry:
for geom in geometry:
if isinstance(geom, Solid):
for face in geom.Faces:
return faces
def SetMaterialOverride(element, material_id):
“”“Set the material override for an element.”“”
ogs = OverrideGraphicSettings()
doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(element.Id, ogs)
Initialize lists to store DirectShapes and their faces
direct_shapes =
faces_list =
Filter DirectShape elements and get their faces
for element in elements_in_workset:
if element.Name == ‘DirectShape’:
Set material override for each DirectShape element
for element in direct_shapes:
SetMaterialOverride(element, material_id)
Output the number of faces
OUT = len(faces_list)