Manipulating section box and export view as images


this code works, and I am able to manipulate my current view section box…

this is the graph so far, with the two sliders I can manipulate the dimension of the current box.
Now I need to Export as image the view, at equal intervals (not by numeric sliders).

First, the image export node works every once in awhile, but just re-running the script does not export a view (unless it is overwriting it). Do I need some reset?

Second, I think I need a FOR loop… but there is no for loop node, only the WHILE LOOP… how would that work in this case? Max first point is my INIT?

Should I try python again? I bet it’s like 2 lines of code…

Thank you for any suggestions…

It seems you need a sequencing strategy; your image export should run after Set Section Box, so some sort of Wait node can help there right after set section box.

Then, if you do not want to override the images, you need to assign a unique file name (path) for them; since the numbers you give to the bounding boxes are unique, I think you can create strings from those numbers and do string operations (like concat) to generate unique names/paths for the images every time you change the numbers.

Thank you,

I thought so, but then I manage to make it work… until it didn’t.

This is my last graph. The sequence of 3D views are correct (in Revit) however, the image exporter for some reason does not export properly the views. They are mostly the same, and some of the views are wrong, with portion of the model missing…

See screen caps.

Thank you



Well, I thought you wanted to use manual sliders for scaling the bbox.

If you want to pass in a list of numbers, you will need a document regeneration mechanism, which means Revit has to refresh its database before exporting the images.

You may find doc regenerate nodes, but if you could not, right after the watch node, before exporting the images, add a python node and write the below code

I tested this with this sample result, so each image is different.

yes, it worked… the export raster images are now matching the views in Revit.

thank you

