Anyone know how I’d make the text box input size bigger? Thanks for any help
If memory serves the MultipleInput++ nodes have a setting for window width. Try that instead. I recall the default is something like 350 units.
Set this value to a larger number and you will get a larger area for the text box.
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Is there anyway to get the height of the text box bigger?
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Hi @vanman,
So far there isn’t but it could be added. Just out of curiosity, are you trying to enter a multi line text? Or just a very long string?
Hi Mostafa,
Trying to enter multi line text. It would be helpful to the user in some cases.
Did this ever become a thing?
Yes it has! There’s a multi line text input now
Will it be compatible with Dynamo version 1.3?
The DataShape that I’m using is 2017.6.19 coz newer versions doesn’t work with my dynamo version.