List modify

I want to get list (L2) from the sum of the previous values other list (L1).
Is there any node to do that?


L1 L2
1 1
1 2
1 3

Do you mean nest the list?
Do you mean, add up the items?
Do you mean something else?
What have you done so far?


i have L1
i want L2

OK, I’m still a bit confused…

What is in your L1. Can you post an example please?

Usually to get a deeper list level you’d wrap your item in square brackets

But I’m not sure if that is what you’re asking

Welcome to the forums.

Sounds like you’re looking for a rolling sum of values. I believe there are already posts that cover this topic and there are definitely custom nodes that do this, but here’s how you can recreate it with a few nodes.


@Nick_Boyts THANK YOU!!
this is what I need

@Alien Thank you for your time!
sorry for not explaining clearly

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