Link family parameter to nested families

Hello for everyone,

I want to do dynamo script to link family parameters to nested families , but i dont know how to begin, if there any issues or someone could help i will be thankful :slight_smile.
(Need to have all nested family by selecting family …)

it works the other way around parameters from nested families need to be bound in the host family. unless you intend to just take information from the nested families and present them in a schedule in which case you need to tick the Box saying shared parameter inside the families you nest in to others.

but there is no way to take information from host family and insert it to the nested family (at least no way that will make your work less since you need to bind all parameters in the host family anyway.)

Hello, Thank for your reply
I think i found an issue i was just need to find node for child family and i found it :smiley:
i can do my script now :smiley:

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