Keeping the list structure & Creating polygon



I was trying to get building footprints’ points from latitude longitude to cartesian coordinates in the last forum post. Since then, I have been trying to get all building’s footprints and after I am planning to extrude the building footprints.

Last Code creating the list in the "Autodesk.DB.XYZ list" format
import clr

from math import cos, sin

from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

def ll2cc(lat, lon, deg=True):
    def rad(d):
        return UnitUtils.Convert(d, UnitTypeId.Degrees, UnitTypeId.Radians)
    R = 63710088 # Arithmetic mean radius of Earth in meters
    if deg:
        lat, lon = rad(lat), rad(lon)
    return XYZ(R * cos(lat) * cos(lon), R * cos(lat) * sin(lon), 0)

loc = doc.SiteLocation # Site Location

lat = loc.Latitude
lon = loc.Longitude

# Translate site location lat, lon to 0, 0
translation = XYZ.Zero.Subtract(ll2cc(lat, lon, False))
transform = Transform.CreateTranslation(translation)

latlons = IN[0] # List of lat lon pairs in degrees

OUT = [transform.OfPoint(ll2cc(*ll)) for ll in latlons]

:question: Q1: How can I get a structured list from that code?

The first issue I have encountered is: that the levels of the list are 5 and I can’t run a Python script on that list to make every building’s point translation to cartesian coordinates. I can only translate 1 building’s coordinates.

L5 - list structure

I want to list structure stay cause each building’s footprint points need to stay separately for further steps (extruding them according to heights).

I tried this:

1. I was getting coordinates data from a code block written this “get_data_values[ x ] [ “geometry” ] [ " coordinates " ];”
2. Then, I get L2 data structure from a code block written this “get_data_value[ 0 ] [ 0 ]; " coordinates " ];” which resulted me getting only 1.building’s footprint points.
3. Then, I thought to get all buildings footprint coordinates in L2 data structure, I should create a code block written this "get_data_value[ 0 ] [ x ] [ 0 ]; " which resulted me getting only 1.building’s footprint points again.

I need to learn level structure more precisely I guess. I have searched for level structure from here But I couldn’t learn much.
I also tried changing the coordination translation code into this

I tried adding a line that creates a list appending all results in the code
# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import clr

from math import cos, sin

from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.

latlons = IN[0] # List of lat lon pairs in degrees

# Place your code below this line

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

def ll2cc(lat, lon, deg=True):
    def rad(d):
        return UnitUtils.Convert(d, UnitTypeId.Degrees, UnitTypeId.Radians)
    R = 63710088 # Arithmetic mean radius of Earth in meters
    if deg:
        lat, lon = rad(lat), rad(lon)
    return XYZ(R * cos(lat) * cos(lon), R * cos(lat) * sin(lon), 0)

loc = doc.SiteLocation # Site Location
lat = loc.Latitude
lon = loc.Longitude

# Translate site location lat, lon to 0, 0

translation = XYZ.Zero.Subtract(ll2cc(lat, lon, False))
transform = Transform.CreateTranslation(translation)

**# These lines are added.**
**transformed_points = []**
**for ll in latlons:**
**    transformed_points.append(transform.OfPoint(ll2cc(*ll)))**

# Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = transformed_points

:question: Q2: How can I get a polygon or polyline from that list? - (I have a height list also to extrude them in the future.)

My second issue is to create a polyline or polygon out of XYZ result.
From this result, polygon and polyline can’t be created. the error is saying that the list is Autodesk.DB.XYZ[.] not Autodesk.DesignScript.GeometryPoint[.], that is why it can’t create a polygon or polyline.

I exported them to csv and saw the point structure.

To get x,y,z points from the list I tried to split the list this way. But I get null result.

# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
latlonlist = IN[0]

# Place your code below this line

def split (latlonlist):
    split_items = (i.split(',') for i in latlonlist)

# Assign your output to the OUT variable.

OUT = split(latlonlist)

How can I split them into x,y,z to create a polygon or is there a way to create a polygon from the last code giving me this result list Autodesk.DB.XYZ[.]

You are providing Revit XYZ elements to the Dynamo nodes which expects a Dynamo point.
The Dynamo Python Primer has a good outline of what you need to do to convert a Revit XYZ to a Dynamo Point here → Geometry Conversion Methods


thank you!

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I had converted them but didn’t send the final code here.

# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# Import RevitAPI
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

import Revit

# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
revit_xyz = IN[0]

# Place your code below this line

outputList = []

for i in range(pointlist_ListCount):

# Other way to loop

for xyz in revit_xyz:

# Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = outputList
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