Join Lists

Hello guys ,
I was wondering how can I join these lists in a way so that sub lists 0,0 are joined together, then List 1,1 are joined together etc…
Is there anyway I can do that ?

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@ahmadkhalaf7892 ,

thats a step forward…

# Phython-Standard- und DesignScript-Bibliotheken laden
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

# Die Eingaben für diesen Block werden in Form einer Liste in den IN-Variablen gespeichert.
points = IN[0]
morepoints = IN[1]

OUT = []

for i in zip(points,morepoints):

Hi Andreas, Thanks a lot but as you can see in the picture above I still want sub lists 0,1 to be considered as one list I tried using flatten but they were all combined

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I just used transpose with levels again, Thanks a lot

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This is also a solution Maybe?

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this is Great Gilberto , Thanks a lot

List.Combine with a List.Join as combinator also might work

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Amigo @Daan, I have tried it and it actually works, just be careful to add the same amount of lists in both nodes, thanks for the tip!

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