I made this graph. It joins two sets of walls together (joins ceramics, plaster, stucco, or any other wall finish with the partition wall). It works in Revit 2022 in a decent speed.
In Revit 2024, I got a message that I have an outdated node. It pointed me to “Join Geometry” node. I removed it. I looked for a new node. There is a native node, and another node from Clockwork. I tried both of them. It didn’t work, because the elements are not intersecting. The old node from Revit 2022 disregarded the fact that the elements are not intersecting, which is exactly what I wanted. The wall finish is next to the partition wall. It is not intersecting with it.
So, does anyone know a way to join two elements together, regardless of whether or whether not they are intersecting? Is there some other node out there?
Which version of Clockwork are you using - current is 2.6.0
Perhaps also try minimal case to see if it works - I have selected walls with a 700mm gap and it works
You could also just scale up the geometry around its centroid and use a Geometry.DoesIntersect node instead of a cylinder
I could use Geometry.DoesIntersect (if its faster than BimoprhNode), but I need to build the cylinder anyway. Your graph could return multiple walls per each join. Take a look at the picture bellow:
Yes, agree - I can see your logic makes a lot of sense.
The Bimorph nodes are going to be more efficient than dynamo
Finding basic wall geometry intersections is a fairly inaccurate exercise and I guess that it could improve by adding filter conditions like are they parallel, different materials etc.