Issue with extracting nested lists to excel

I have an issue exporting the nested list. Right now after using List Transpose, I’ve arrived in the position where it’s categorized by rooms as main list levels containing elements such as Element Name Width and height as a nested element. I can not figure out how to transfer it to Excel where the first column would be the room name followed by the sub elements

@ischmitt Can you please share a screenshot of your graph?

I’ve tried but it does not allow me to upload anything due to me being a new user sorry about that.
Basically lists is nested the following way:
0 List
0 List
0 Room#1
1 List (Contains name of the element that is located in the room)
2 List (Contains width of the element that is located in the room)
3 List (Contains height of the element that is located in the room)
1 List
0 Room#2
1 List (Contains name of the element that is located in the room)
2 List (Contains width of the element that is located in the room)
3 List (Contains height of the element that is located in the room)

I’ve tried everything, but I can not make it extract to excel when it would follow the formatting
1st column - Room Name
2nd column - Element Name
3rd column - Element Width
4th column - Element Height

It looks like your list structure has too many sets of sublists. Excel only accepts data in a 3D list (one list with one set of sublists.)

@ischmitt Works fine for me. Can’t help much unless you share the graph.

You can upload the screenshot on Google Drive, Dropbox, WeTransfer, etc and share a link here.

It works fine with one item per list, but I have Room as the main list with other elements being sub-lists of the room. thanks for the google drive idea I’ve attached a link with the Revit file and dynamo script as well.
BIM - Google DriveFiles

@ischmitt This should solve your problem.
Elements Extraction by Room.dyn (59.9 KB)


Yep that did the trick! Thank you for your help!!