Is there a node such a multiple-input form (for civil 3d)

Is there a node with such a multiple-input form in Data-Shapes but for civil 3d because code python contains Revit codes
I want to make UI for Civil 3d but Data-Shapes Package is interested in Revit

The most up to date Datashapes package contains UI nodes which work with Civil 3D, excepting nodes which are designed for Revit interface (ie: select model element).

the problem with node multipleinputform and this missage I with Ironpython2


Try installing DS IronPython2.7 custom package as well.

Feel like we need a sticky for this. It’s popping up a fair bit… sort of like how Orchid gets auto linked (well, used to…? Or was that a mod’s work. Seem to recall it linked to the git whenever typed at some point on forums) maybe one for IronPython?

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