Is Point in List Inside a Bounding Box

Took a second and downloaded you Revit file. made some modification to my script should be good to go now.

One of the main reasons it was not working was because the cubes were slightly off from one another. I added the math round so it would be able to fine them easier.

Let me know if this does what you need. also if you could answer @Yna_Db question. I think Jostein solution would work but would be good to hear your thoughts.

Intersect with topo.dyn (28.2 KB)

Sorry to delay everyone one, didnt have very much time to work on this today.

@jostein_olsen you sir are a genius! I first started with a point projection logic but ended up having issues so abandoned it and started the line intersection nonsense.

@Steven_Hansen, yah i ran into the rounding issue as well. you would think using the revit array tool everything would have been lined up, but shame on me I guess for not going and checking their alignment. This definitely aligns much closer to what I was trying to do. I will have to check which code runs 11 acres worth of cubes the best.

I can not thank all of you enough! People like @jostein_olsen and @Steven_Hansen, @Yna_Db, @Kulkul, (and @T_Pover) make this forum awesome!