Is it not possible to run GenerativeDesign using the family information of Revit?

I want to write a GD algorithm that sets the number slide as the input value and creates a wall with a corresponding family based on the entered number. I set the walls to be placed based on the lines imported from CAD, with the number slide as a parameter for the family placement. However, when I try to run the GD, I get a warning message, and the GD does not execute.

Is it because I am using nodes that utilize information from Revit?

Is there any solution to this issue?

Not directly. The Generative Design Primer talks about this in detail. The GD solver does not have access to any external sources of data, including Revit. You need to use a Data.Remember node to cache any of that data in your graph before sending it to GD.

Bit confused by your workflow here… the second Data.Remember should be all you need as it will serialize the geometry. However it’s not clear what your variable will be, which is causign me some confusion.

My goal is, for example, when there are walls and windows, to set the variable as cost and see various family combinations of walls and windows within the given cost. To achieve this, I intended to set the number as an input variable and associate each family with the input number on the input value.

The typical workflow would be to use GD to create representative geometry using the family data you’ve cached in the graph. You can then get cost, volumes, counts, or whatever you need to support your optimization or selection process. You can then push a GD solution to Dynamo to create the actual Revit objects after making your selection. You’re not doing anything with Revit inside GD so you need to build at least part of the graph to do everything in Dynamo itself.

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