Intersections of Set of Points from Two Separate Lists


I am trying to compare sets of points from two different lists but so far I am having trouble getting it to filter the way I want it to.

Based on the screenshot above I am trying to filter to see if there is any intersection between the 15 sets of points in the 0 index list with the 2 sets of points in the 1 index list. The screen shot below showcases what the sets of points look like. Basically I am trying to find if the sets of points that create a circle intersect with another circle.

So far I am having trouble keeping the set up points grouped up in the list so they are only compared to other sets of points in a different list. Any help on this is greatly appreciated and let me know if there is any additional info needed.

Thank you in advance

Build a polygon from each set of points, patch that to a surface, and test the surfaces for intersection with each other.

It’d likely be more effective to export the center point and radius for each circle rather than the points around the circle.