In Place Families creation

Saw some issues from ages ago with Dynamo cant make In place Families, is that already solved or still not possible?

@t.dirksCHLQQ ,

Crumple has some nodes to dedetect InPlace families… creation i don`t know
One of our model rules is not to use InPlacement families… they have less properties than normal families… particularly on a coordination level is it problematic.



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Dynamo and Revit API cannot make native in-place geometry as far as I’m aware - most workflows used out there involve directshape geometry or SAT to get the geometry into Revit or family instances.

thanks for the help, indeed used directshape geometry and made a Mass From it!

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Model in place = Bad… Make a family instead :slight_smile:


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Precisely why this method isn’t exposed in the API. There is a need for it on the family creation side as you can’t see the project context otherwise, but we can generate the same geometry in a full family via the API.

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