Import/Export excel property data to civil 3D objects- sample files

I’m not sure to what specific script Paolo made but you could follow some examples on the forum to do what you need to do. One example I keep on hand for importing info from excel is @zachri.jensen post here: Dynamo not pushing correct pipe data to Civil3D - #5 by mzjensen

For updating property sets I made a script for updating pset data for pipe network structures; for whatever reason I didn’t use the easier out-of-the-box node Object.UpdateProperty for updating the property set data.
01-Update Multiple PS Value from CSV file.dyn (148.8 KB)

Also, not sure how you are planning to match the solids to to the appropriate property set info but you could use the handle ID for each solid or perhaps the layer name for groups of solids or even limited to a manual selection of objects. Hope this helps!