Import CAD text (Layer names with special characters)

I’m attempting to retrieve CAD text data, but my CAD file contains layers with names containing special characters. As a result, the Bimorph “CADTextData.FromLayers” node is not working. Is there an alternative method to obtain CAD text data in Dynamo without renaming the CAD layers?
(“.” “~” “!” “@” “#” “%” “^” “&” “©” “®” “(” “)” “[” “]” “{” “}” “+” “'” “؛” “÷” “×” “"”)

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@vishalghuge2500 ,

from python i know these sentence at the begin at anny code so can work with all symbols

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

try nodes from GeniusLoci

you can use special character in your cad layers. likes i also using special character on cad.

you can use this flow and try than you got the solution.

Sorry, I’m a noob in coding, so I don’t understand.
Is there any other node similar to Bimorph “CADTextData.FromLayers” node