If else for more than 2 lists

I have more than 2 lists. The test lists contain only one item (Boolean), while the lists to be tested contain more items. When I use this approach, as shown below, only first item is returned. Remaining are not there. Do I need to do this in Python script? If yes, then how?

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hmmm @salmanjavaid2000

We really need to see the data you’re using in order to know where your issue is.

Either way, this sounds like the common list length issue with If statements. This has been asked and answered dozens of times already. Please search for similar topics before posting your question. These topics should be able to get you started.


how can i understand this @_Vijay

is this like a tripple If sentence ?

if(a =1, a, if(b=2, b, if(c = 3, c,d))) ?

Correct. It’s a nested If statement just like the one you’ve translated it to.