I want to add more areas without adding new nodes

The purpose is to get a line segment written in DWG to surface.
I use CAD.CurvesFromCADLayers to get the line segments by specifying the layer name. I know that Surface.ByPatch would work if I were drawing one closed line segment per layer.
However, with this idea, I have to increase the “Select the layer on which the area is written” group and “Create a surface for the area” in the image for each additional area I set. area" in the image.
Is there any idea to create a surface for the area without increasing the number of nodes?

Drawing.rvt (5.1 MB)
drawing.dyn (15.0 KB)

Sorry if I don’t fully understand the question, but you graph would work if you use Group Curves node before PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves.

Group Curves node is so powerful. Now, I feel I can answer 5% of posts in the whole forum! :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the reply.
By using Group Curves, I was able to do Surface.ByPatch for multiple lines!

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