How you create your automatic legends

I record many times to reduce the size,I don’t know the 安全设备 is what you mention as Safety device or 安全装置.I place one family instance,try to check them.
If it’s not,you may try to do it manually,dynamo just make it automatic.

I’m sorry I didn’t understand

renew legend(Revit 2022).dyn (77.1 KB)

Finally I found the reason,your component is to small,I change the position of each legend and textnote.

hmmm ok ^^ thx so much

all is good

Do you think it is possible to filter by view in all family type of category?

To have a legend that adapts according to the view to display seuelemtn what is inside

It displays all the components but if I restart (for example if I added an element I have to delete the legend and restart it ?

Sorry the time is 18:00 in China now and I leave my office for my weekend.
The filter Idea you mentioned is quite interesting.I never try that.Maybe you can give it a shot:)
I think it’s possible to filter elements which are in specific view.And renew legend view is easy just choose the specific view and with dynamo player,it can be done.

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thx so much for all, and good weekend

there’s a non-dynamo way to do something like this. export/record the symbol you want to display and set that as the type image for the family. now you can create a schedule that dynamically reflects the usage of symbols in the project.

Which means inserting a specific image in each family?

Why use images if we have a rendering of the element?
it’s easier for the rest of my objective ?

In the idea now it would be to filter according to the elements present in the view

yeah, it’s not a ‘live’ depiction of the way the family will be rendered. The advantages are that you don’t have to mess with legend views (sort of assuming you’re trying to build a table in a legend view) and it populates as a schedule. so it dynamically represents what is used in the project, you can apply filtering, etc. through the schedule interface.

A clever, self-directed legend?

It would be complicated to set up, I’m a beginner I will work mainly with the forum to be accompanied in my project for the beginning

it’s not possible to use the 2D detail element, it would have to be an image ?

Why we could not do it on dynamo, we should just launch the script for the maj ?