How to transferring materials especially material of toposurface from one project to another in a lot of Revit projects in Dynamo?

Dear all

Thanks for reading the question.

I have a lot of Revit projects including the toposurface in site. However, the material type of toposurface is not correct, I want to amend the correction. For example, from copper to concrete.

Apart from clicking “Manage” > " Transfer project standard" method, how to transferring materials especially material of toposurface from one project to another in a lot of Revit projects in Dynamo ?

Thank you very much.

Hello @tocbim.tau and welcome to the community…here is a way with birdtool as is free…first i have a file with material i transfer from and then a graph there bg open for that material…and then set it up with birdtool…if i understand right :wink:

mat transfer.dyn (22.7 KB)

Dear Sovitek

Thank you for kindly assistance.

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