I have created room in revit plan . as you see in the picture, some of lists are shown as " empty list " in geometry element node . I was just wondering how can I find that rooms which are empty list or how can I remove them .
You could use List.Clean to remove empty lists, just make sure to set “PreserveIndices” to False.
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Hi @TAHERYOFFICIALMAIL …i think the reason you have empty list…is because you probably have unplaced rooms or not valid…
btw looks like you are interested in your rooms floor surface, if that the case then try just get roomboundery lines and use a patch…probably faster
Here you go @sovitek , being all fancy and trying to solve the problem of the empty lists… Over achiever!
@TAHERYOFFICIALMAIL although I jest, I am also sure he is right. Remove the bad rooms and it will solve the issue down stream.