How to order execution of operation

I’m trying to sort these three blocks so the first block resets the color with material (materiale in italian), the second colors with a light shade and the third colors with a dark tone and eventually overrides the second operation
I’ve tried Passthrough from Clockwork but I can’t understand the logic behind it and so it doesn’t work

Edit 1: I have a bunch of elements with a parameter separated, each element is in a group, the program should reset the color of every element, then pick the parameter of each element and make the sum of every group, so the group with the minimum sum should colored with light red, then picks the minimum parameter between the elements and colors the lowest. If the lowest element/s are already light red, it should override the operation coloring the element of dark red.
To do that, the easiest way is to execute every group of operation alone and one after the other.

Are you asking for a moving colour/material. So it changes from one to the next?
So it goes, first… waits … second… waits… third?

The elements in the three blocks, are they the same?

I don’t understand what you’re asking in this sentence:

eventually overrides the second operation<<

Do you want one element to start red and then get lighter?
Do you have 3 separate elements?

Just edit the post body with more info

@Alien to the first answer, yes, the easiest way, I think is to jump from the first operation to the second and then to the third, so it can be override the past operation, I don’t want to create more elements, I’m changing the material parameter.


The elements in the three blocks, are they the same?

Yes and no, could happen that the same element first it must be colored with light red and then with dark red

Dynamo is static. By that I mean it runs from start to finish but only shows you the finish point.

To get anything to ‘move’ you need to run it more than once.

So on the first run it’ll show you the first operation. Then run again and it’ll show you the second…

You can do this automatically by using periodic run instead of just run.
Set it so it runs every 2000ms or something (I find my machine doesn’t like it running fast). Set up date time so which item is run changes depending on the time.

So when the clock is 0-20 seconds it’ll run function 1. When the clock is 20 - 40 seconds it’ll run function 2 and when the clock is 40 - 60 seconds it’ll run function 3.

This may help: Moving dynamo - for fun. :)

Okay and this was clear to me, I don’t care about the process but only the end result. However, the three blocks must be executed separately and one after the other

You need to run it 3x then.

I don’t think that’s true. The only thing you’re changing is the color (material) and the color being applied is based on values from that run. So you can “calculate” all the conditions at once and then apply materials one time. You have two conditions from what I understand: minimum group sum and minimum parameter value. This leaves you with 3 unique states that can be checked all at once.

  1. Element is in the minimum group = light red
  2. Element is in the minimum group and has the minimum parameter value = dark red
  3. Element is not a minimum = default (reset)

You can get both of the conditions and use a nested conditional to get the values you need all at once.

Maybe they want the illusion of it moving though? That’s how I read it.

That part is still unclear and would only matter if there was another operation happening between the steps.