How to match elevation crop to room (bouindingbox)

Hi I’m trying to make a script that creates that based on picked rooms make elevations, floor plan, and 3D view of said rooms. And creates a sheet and place them on there.

Adjusting the floorplan crop by the room.bounding box was no problem.

My problem comes to when i try the match the crop of the elevations to the room bounding box. here the don’t match at all and get placed totally wrong. I have searched the forum but havent found a soultion.
I have tried translitning the cs.system between them but with no luck.

Maybe sombody have tried something simmiler and have a suggestion in what way to work as i’m a bit lost.

Below is sample picture of graph. And have include the graph and sample rvt. model

Sample_revit.rvt (5.2 MB)
Sample graph.dyn (252.4 KB)

I endend up solving it myself, but gonna post it here just incase somebody elese needs the soultion