How to iterate each item from a list?

I’m confused and i can’t find the solution to iterate each item out of the list.
I’ve tried Lacing and node “geteverynthitem” but i can’t get is work.
The solution should be simple but i’ve a black-out. :frowning_face:

The node “Watch” contains a list of elements.
What I want is: The node “Element.Geometry” and “StructuralFraming.Location” must get all elements in the watch node but only 1 element at a time.

How do get the rigth input for those 2 nodes?

screenshot with wrong input

Maybe explain why you need these “1 item at a time” because that kinda is how it works currently.

What are the geometry and framing location going in to for you to need it like this

Here’s my script and project.
Maybe it explanes more than words.
test staalcontructies split beam R23.rvt (5,6 MB)

I did got it working with only singleselection. = one element
split-beam-with-all-structural columns_script_working.dyn (91,8 KB)

Now I want to upgrade it to multipleselection = list of elements
split-beam-with-all-structural columns_script.dyn (80,5 KB)
This upgraded script is not working.

Can you look at it and find the error?

Sorry i am on my phone until monday. Id need screenshots to fix it for you.

But if you got it working for 1 it sounds like an issue with how you are handling lists or lacing getting mucked up in the graph somewhere.

Hi @mrl

try this:
split-beam-with-all-structural columns_script.dyn (80.2 KB)

Hi @Kulkul,
Thanks for the update. It works almost.
All intersections are being found but the script split at all point.
Per beam it splits only at the first point. I think only a small change in the Python Script node does the trick.

Could you drop relevant rvt file to look further.

@mrl try this slightly modified version:

split-beam-with-all-structural columns_script_For mrl.dyn (58.3 KB)

Yes !!! It works. :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you very much.