How to get the parameter according to the attached PrintScreen?
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Your screenshot actually shows you exactly how to get that parameter. That’s the beauty of the snoop tool!
From the EnergyAnalysisSpace
you get the analytical surfaces using GetAnalyticalSurfaces
. Then you cycle through the list of AnalyticalSurfaces
to the one you want and return its parameter value for your target Parameter
There might be nodes that already help with this or you may have to go through the Revit API.
There are a lot of issues here. You don’t have the Revit API imported. You don’t reference your inputs. You don’t use the method correctly. And that’s not the right method for getting the Name. You’re missing, skipping, and combining a lot of steps here.
Start by checking out some other topics that cover interacting with elements through python and the API. Get the basics first and then move on to your specific process. Then you just need to match the steps you’ve marked in your first screenshot.
Revit API Docs is a good resource for learning the API and seeing how each of the members work.
EnergyAnalysisSpace Class (revitapidocs.com)
Good afternoon! I figured it out.
Nick, can you tell me where to view the topic or who to contact with such a question. How can I download the module openpyxl in Dynamo’s Python?
I’d start right here in the forum. Search for topics dealing with python modules and then post a thread if you run into a specific issue. That’s what this forum is for.