Hello, I successfully extracted a list of sublists out of a master list. Now I want to figure out a way to indicate what indicies those sublists have in the original master list so that I can filter out the remainder of the master list into a different node. Does that make sence? but every node Ive tried seems to fail. Below I have a child list of 2 sublists. Both of which are contained in the parent list (lower left hand corner) i just want to return a true or false statement once for each of the sublists in the parent list which indicate if they are the same as any of the child sublists. Please advise
@mix I think I get it. Have you tried the built-in node “List.Contains”? Remember to set the levels!
Sounds like it could achieve what you need.
I’ve tried to create a MWE as follows:
- Create a master list containing structural framing, structural columns and ducts.
- Create the child lists (only structural framing and columns)
- Check if the child lists are present in the master list
See attached image or graph.