I’m starting with dynamo so please go easy on me :).
Is it possible (with dynamo) to get the area of a surface that joins 2 elements? (Slab and Strucutral Framing).
Please see picture attached.
Many thanks for your help.
Welcome to the forums! This is a great question. I am certain the Dynamo can get you what you need.
Have you gone thru the exercise files yet?
I searched the forums and found the following which might help:
is there any way to remove the wall faces at a wall join? I’m trying to calculate the surface area, but it double counts the surfaces at the wall joins. [surface area]
thank you in advance for any help.
Hello all
It’s an old problem in revit, which is calculating the waterproofing area for the structure model substructure. Can Dynamo do the following, take the model, cut it at the specified site level, get the surface area of the foundation, tie beams, columns, walls that fall beneath the site level, export them separately for horizontal, and vertical areas.
A workaround in revit I know is to use the paint tool, but it is time consuming.
Ideas ?
Dear all.
I have a problem as figue below. The surface node, one active, the other is not. Could you help me this issue?
Hi Everyone,
I have find Formworks Area as below Image. but I don’t know this node. can you help me ??
thks all.
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