I want to compare 2 lists and result like this, but i just want they compare 0_list with 0_list, 1_list with 1_list …etc.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
I want to compare 2 lists and result like this, but i just want they compare 0_list with 0_list, 1_list with 1_list …etc.
play around with lacing and levels and vola.
Thanks for your help,
I do follow you but the result isn’t true like you. Could you please tell me the problem?
Put the first list.containsitem into vector mod
Hey guys, i have a problem with dynamo 1.3 and dynamo 2.0.3. I use list.containsitem with dynamo 1.3 and dynamo 2.0.3 auto change to list.contains and the result is different, can you explain for me? I want the result likes in dynamo 1.3
Hi, try to put the node in cross product mode and see
It’s a solution from this topic :
Thanks for your help. I fixed my problem.
How ?
The node List.Contains at right top isn’t in “short” but in auto.
Try to change that or try to put the node in CrossProduct mode.
I do similarly with list level 2, the value is 20 but it doesn’t separate to 2 small lists like ver 1.3. When i set lacing to crossproduct mode, the value isn’t as i want. Do you have any idea to fix it.
What do you want to see at the end ?
Right, so, that the case you need to solve if i’m true.
In the node at right top, you get the @L1 of the Item you input to the node.
My english is limited but simply, you input just one list in a list in inch node so the @L1 work for that.
If you input 2 list in one, the @L1 can’t work you need to get the @L2.
I think, if you just put the list level to 2 at the right top node, it can work.
If it’s doesn’t work, sand your dynamo, i’ll try to see at it.
Thanks a lot,
I think the second way will be work well.