I have a list 1 with column A; B; C; D and list 2 with a; b; c. I would like to have a way to compare list 1 with list 2 and, when the value in b == value in B, my list 3 need to have the corresponding value C (e.g. list 3 will be a; b; C). Does anybody know if this is possible and how this can be done?
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for your answers but I’m new to the dynamo software and I think I was’t able to be clear in what my problem exactly is. I hope with this text you will understand my problem better and will be able to help me.
I have 2 lists (List Alfa and list Beta)
In the picture I’ve included, list Alpha contains 3 items, a number and 2 lists with information. List Beta only contains a list with numbers. Now is my question, can I link the information from list Alpha to every number in List Beta with the same value, so all the numbers 1 in list Beta should contain the information AE, all the numbers 2 in list Beta shouldcontain the information BF etc.