How to change family and host mantening the same position

Hi to everyone, I’m new with Dynamo and I’m trying to learn to improve my productivity.
I have this issue and I would to like to understand if it’s possible solve it…
I have to change all the family of the cutout in my project, but I have two limits : mantain the position and change the host.
this why in a previous stage of the work we have developed basic wall and a simple cutout family

but now we have to change the wall in a separate layer, so we have to change the cutout family with one able to cut all the different layer of the walls

if someone have any input to do (avoiding to change them one by one) or can help me to find a solution would be great!
thank you in advance for your support


I looked into this a while ago. While I think it’s technically possible it requires a LOT of information in order to work properly. First of all you probably won’t be able to just “convert” one family to another. You would have to delete the first family and place the second family in the same location. This requires knowing the family origin and orientation of both families and any hosts required. If you know the translation/rotation of the origin points between families you should be able to locate the insertion point of the second family based off the original, find the element at that location that it would likely need to host to, then use that information to place the second family.

The good news is this should be much easier for you than it was for me because you’re doing a simple one-to-one switch. The transition from one family to the other will be the exact same for all instances.